How to buy food replicas at discount
You can combine discounts!
The price of Japanese replicas is 30% higher than prices of manufacturers from other countries. There are several reasons for it. You can find details in the article about quality and manufacturing of Japanese replicas.
Our specialists love their work and they are very proud that it contributes to successful development of restaurant business. Our specialists developed a discount schedule, so that any restaurant of any country could purchase reasonable quantity of replicas.
I can suggest you to use different types of discounts simultaneously.
Additional discounts “for quantity”
- 5% discount on orders over 1999 USD;
- 10% discount on orders over 4999 USD;
- 15% discount on orders over 9999 USD.
Additional 5% discount “for cooperation”
To get 5% discount, you should guarantee:
- Allow us to use the photos of your food-serving establishment before and after decoration with fake food;
- Provide the information on the sales increase (if possible in %) from the first day and within 3 months from the day when you have started using fake food decoration;
- Allow us to use photos of your fake food items in our information sources;
- Write a testimonial.
Additional 5% discount for a “quantity of 100+”
If you need more than 100 identical replicas, you get additional 5% discount.
Get any fake food dishes from your menu as a gift from “Nippon Dom”!
A special gift – a fake dish from your menu, equivalent to 200 USD.
Just send us a short video-feedback about how you use fake dishes bought at Nippon Dom:
- You don’t have to edit video yourself. It is enough just to provide us with raw video material. We have professional editors to make a great final video, which you for sure will like.
- We will provide a detailed scenario on how and what to shoot.
Your video feedback will be published on our information resources.