Replicas of desserts in wafer cups for “Alliance VV” LLC (Mytishchi)

“They look like real”

We are really satisfied with replicas quality. They look like real.

Our company, “Alliance VV” LLC manufactures wafer cups for various desserts. We ordered replicas to use them as samples of our product in expos. Replicas help us to demonstrate to our potential customers usability of our wafer cups and variety of desserts, which can be served in them.

Thanks largely to replicas of desserts in wafer cups, visitors stop by our expo stand. Some even try to touch them, for they are so realistic that people can’t understand if it is replica or real dessert.

To summarize our expo results we can say that if it was not for replicas, there would be far less potential customers that showed interest towards our wafer cups.

We appreciate your high-quality work!



Replicas of desserts in wafer cups for “Alliance VV” LLC.

Replicas of desserts in wafer cups for “Alliance VV” LLC.”

Do you have any questions?
Contact us right now!

+81 90 3689 5558
Viber, WhatsApp, Line
3-18-11, Japan, Sumida ku,
Tokyo, Tatekawa 3-18
Order food replicas