Japanese eat with their eyes
Greeting message
Food service industry is one of the most developed sectors of service in Japan. This country leads the world in number of catering facilities. For example it is only Tokyo, where over 80 thousand outlets are registered. However, in spite of serious competition, the number of outlets, where people can eat out, keeps growing every year.
Display windows, decorated with artificial menu items, are the main instrument of engaging customers to catering facilities of medium price bracket in Japan. Local restaurateurs consider this type of advertising to be the most efficient and cost-effective. Unlike other methods of promotion, it attracts the most numerous and rewarding category of potential visitors – the passers-by.
Silicone food models in a display window meet a complex of essential goals in restaurant marketing: they attract attention of potential visitors, increase average bill, reduce time of service provision to customers, and lots of other goals. Besides, this type of advertising is the most cost-effective, as it requires single investment and ensures you can refuse other methods of promotion, which require monthly investments and much time for arrangement and execution.
Moreover, customers like to choose their order by the display window because it is convenient. Everything is visible and clear: meal appearance, portion sizes and price. There are no questions left, and customers do not hesitate to enter a cafe or a restaurant.
Display windows! Display windows are everywhere!
While walking along Tokyo streets or traveling around Japan, you will definitely notice splendid eye-catching display windows of cafes and restaurants. Each time, should you see food models from the distance, your legs will carry you closer, so you could see the whole assortment. And walking from one display window to another, you will surely enter the cafe or restaurant, because you will get hungry by then.
I’ve been always amazed by the power of food models to make you want to have a bite even when you are not hungry at all. Japanese marketing specialists call food models “appetite switch-on buttons in the nutrition sector of human brain”.
At every opportunity I ask Japanese restaurateurs about everything, connected with food models and peculiarities of restaurant business operations. This communication has led me to the idea of starting “Nippon Dom” factory, so that foreign restaurateurs could also have an opportunity of successful business using Japanese food models.
While walking along Tokyo streets or traveling around Japan, you will definitely notice splendid eye-catching display windows of cafes and restaurants.
Why did “Nippon Dom” factory appear
Food models manufacturing starts with making casts of each ingredient of the meal. A freshly cooked meal is required for that. It is the main reason why Japanese factories manufacture food models only for local restaurateurs.
I’ve started “Nippon Dom” factory to become a personal assistant for any foreign restaurateur, which would decide to increase sales level by means of Japanese food models.
Your partner and assistant
I was happy to master skills, necessary for distant manufacturing of food models. Now I can cook precise copies of meals from photos; make a scope of work for the specialists in Japanese language; consult restaurateurs regarding display windows decoration and general marketing of the catering outlet.
I like to visit the factory and watch food models manufacturing process. They transform from pale unrecognizable details to realistic and delicious looking models as a result. I always have breakfast prior to visiting the factory. But even in spite of that, when I see ready models I have a growling stomach, and I always want to “have a bite” :))
But my most favorite moments are when I take ready models from the factory. I really admire every meal and take photos to remember by.
I enjoy my business, and I’m always happy to receive a phone call or email from you.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you grateful customers and successful business!
Irina Mironova, “Nippon Dom” factory manager.