How to attract customers to the café in one day
Cafes are one of the most dynamic branches of restaurant business, making a profit of millions dollars worldwide. Every year in our country and abroad we see fast increase of such companies: coffee shops, bakeries, ice cream parlors, grill rooms, café-bars, internet cafes, etc. While deciding how to attract customers to the café, having severe competition, the directors have to use new marketing technologies and instruments.
What café advertisement is the most effective?
Keep it in mind that commercial on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines mainly “fires blanks”. As far as audience of these channels is much bigger than target audience and it is almost always that its bigger part is located far from the region where café is located.
Unlike first-class restaurants, which customers prepare to visit the place far in advance, cafes customers are mostly people who passed by the café. That’s why local advertisement, clear and understood right away, and aimed at target audience, is the most efficient for successful promotion of the café and customers attraction.
Sign boards and directional signs, banners, as well as leaflets and flyers distribution belong to this advertisement.
A display case with replicas of food, desserts and drinks from the menu, is the most efficient in this group.
This type of advertisement is a leader among Japanese catering facilities. Japanese restaurateurs confirm it to be the most efficient instrument of customers’ attraction and sales increase. This method is of great demand and is very popular lately in many countries, which proves that it really works.
Café window with menu items replicas increase profits to 300% per month!
Due to:
- attendance increase to 40-60% per day;
- increase of average bill to 120% on weekdays and to 250% on weekends;
- reduce expenses on advertisement to 70-80% per year.
Food models – the best tool with which the director of the cafe solves 10 problems
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How and where do you locate food replicas
Food replicas are located in a visible place by the café entrance. When people approach the showcase and look closer to the replicas their appetite evokes subconsciously. If the entrance is so close that they need just to reach out and open the door, customers take an easy decision to visit the café (impulse purchase).
You can locate food replicas:
- in the show window;
- in the fixed case;
- on the display table.
Find detailed information about correct location of food replicas here.

The whole range of desserts and drinks replicas are located in the café window
Cafe window. While moving to the register along the showcase with replicas, customers make their order.

A display table, set with replicas of food and drinks, in front of the café entrance.

Box-case is the best solution for placing a visual menu in a shopping center.
What is the cost of one food replica

Average the cost of one replica food 153$.
The cost of one replica depends on its complexity and size. Average cost is 170 $.
You can get a 5-20% discount when ordering a set of replicas for café window, depending on order volume.
For example, if you order a set of 12ea for 2 040 $, you get 10% discount.
Which means that you get one replica for 153 $.
How to make an order
Replicas manufacturing time for a standard café window is 1-1.5 months. Food replicas manufacturing consists of the following:
Visit “How to order food replicas by Nippon Dom” page for detailed information about ordering food replicas from photos.