What do fast food service assistants hate most of all
A poll among fast food service assistants showed that the most annoying thing about clients is that they start studying fast food menu right at the moment they approach the counter.
Fast food restaurants gained their popularity due to modern pace of life. Fast food restaurant clients expect to spend minimum time on food. So, fast servicing became a crucial factor for the client to select a venue for an affordable and quick snack.
The clients who haven’t decided what they wanted before they approached the counter, hold service assistants from servicing and annoy the other clients in a queue.
Are you ready to renovate your strategy?
Recently most fast food restaurants have implemented innovations, which are claimed to contribute to fast servicing and increase servicing quality.
A visual representation of products models in the fast food restaurant display window is one of these innovations.
Food models are full-scale copies of food and drinks. They are placed in the fast food restaurant display window by the cash register, so that clients can make up their mind about the order.
- The clients study assortment, so the time in a queue just flies by;
- Time of taking orders reduces, and you provide your service to more clients per day.
But that’s not all.
Meeting 8 fast food marketing goals
1. Increase quantity of your clients
A fast food restaurant display window, filled with realistic food models, catches clients’ attention from the distance. Most come closer to study the illustrative menu. Looking through the assortment, they feel appetite. The appetite is an emotion, which stimulates impulsive purchase.
Japanese marketing specialists proved that 4 out of 10 people, who came closer to the fast food restaurant display window with food models, eventually buy the food.
2. Increases average bill
Food models look so delicious that clients usually order more that they planned.
3. Dispel clients’ doubts.
Clients see real size of food portions, meal composition and cost. It makes it easier to decide which dishes to order, and to estimate their expenses. By dispelling clients’ doubts you help them to choose exactly your restaurant.
4. Increase clients’ loyalty
Clients love to be cared about. They’ll prefer your restaurant if you offer them comfortable environment.
5. Save marketing budget
Food models is the most efficient fast food advertisement. Having a display window, you can set aside all other types of advertisement.
Useful life of Japanese food models is over 30 years. So you purchase them only once.
As a result, you invest once in a display window arrangement, and it replaces monthly marketing investments.
6. Distinguish from competitors
Most fast food business establishments reduce prices to distinguish them from competitors. If you don’t want to reduce price, offer the client something that the others won’t offer.
Even if your assortment doesn’t differ from that of your competitors, a display window, evoking emotions, will definitely distinguish your restaurant from the similar ones.
7. Decorate display window
An outstanding display window, filled with realistic food models, decorates restaurant’s façade. Bright illumination makes the restaurant noticeable even after dark, or in the conditions of low lights of food court.
8. Establish positive image of your restaurant
Positive feedback from your clients in social media and forums, as well as recommendations to their friends, will bring new clients.
How much do Japanese food models cost
The price of high-quality Japanese food models or models of fast food meals depends on their size and number of ingredients. Approximate price per one model:
- meal: 140-170 $;
- dessert: 70-150 $;
- drink/beverage: 80-110 $;
- sandwich: 90-150 $;
- pizza: 70-200 $.
“Nippon Dom” company offers a flexible discount system, which allows to purchase food models of top quality at profitable prices.
Approximate price of a set of models for fast food restaurant display window is 2 000-3 000 $.
An instant increase of sales by 300% per month compensates expenses within 1-2 months.
Food models – fast food restaurant furnishing by Japanese manufacturer
Functioning without food models, your fast food business loses most of its clients and profit every day.
Don’t postpone it till tomorrow, send us photos of your products today. This is a noncommittal action. We will make price proposal within the shortest possible time, free of charge.
Photos of fast food restaurants display windows, which contribute to sales increase
Fast food restaurant display window with food models, distinguishes the restaurant from competitors.