How to Increase Supermarket Sales Using Product Replicas

Statistics show that between 30% and 60% of supermarket sales are impulse purchases—spontaneous and unplanned buys made under the influence of immediate emotions and impressions.

Using realistic product replicas is an effective marketing tool that triggers customers’ impulse to buy. Consequently, replicas help supermarkets increase the number of sales, boost the average check, and thus enhance overall profits.

Effective Ways to Use Product Replicas in Supermarkets:

  • To showcase frozen products stored in freezers and not openly displayed;
  • To demonstrate ready-to-eat dishes that can be prepared from semi-finished products sold in-store;
  • To present products hidden by packaging;
  • To illustrate freshly prepared items that are cooked or reheated upon customer order;
  • To clearly show products in cross-section;

and in many other scenarios.

Check out photos of product replicas displayed in grocery stores, along with comments on their use. These suggested techniques might inspire new solutions to old problems or help enhance your store’s visual merchandising strategies.

Models of hot meals, which can be cooked with represented sauces.

Replicas of hot dishes displayed in a supermarket, demonstrating meal options that can be prepared using sauces available for purchase in the store.

Models of products, which are kept in freezers and are not visible for customers.

Product replicas on supermarket displays clearly showcase items stored in freezer compartments, not directly visible to customers.

Models of lunch boxes, which are sold in covered boxes.

Replicas of boxed ready-to-eat meals displayed in grocery stores help customers visualize the contents of products sold in sealed packaging.

Note! Food models should be put in the kind of dishes, which customers use in their everyday life.

Important! The dishes used for displaying product replicas in supermarkets should look familiar and everyday, allowing customers to easily associate them with the actual product.

Food models illumination is a very important component of successful sales. Poorly illuminated models don’t look attractive and don’t work to their full extent.

Proper lighting of product replicas on supermarket displays is a crucial factor influencing sales. Poorly lit replicas appear unattractive and significantly reduce the effectiveness of advertising.

Seasonal and holiday decorations of a display window with food models are used as additional decoration of your outlet, and create holiday mood.

Seasonal and festive decorations featuring product replicas on grocery store displays attract customers’ attention, enhance retail spaces, and create a celebratory atmosphere that encourages impulse purchases.


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